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Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program


Value Learning has been appointed by  the Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade  to deliver the Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP). First established in 1982,  AIYEP links youth (21-25 years old) in Australia and Indonesia through social, professional, and cultural exchange. It is an opportunity for participants to grow their intercultural skills, professional experiences, and international networks. The AII is proud to support this project as part of its mission to deepen community and institutional links between Australia and Indonesia.


The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program is honoured to have The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret'd) as its patron.  

Online and In-country Program 

This exciting online and in-country program offers the opportunity for 21 Indonesian and 21 Australian youth to learn with each other, alumni and others who hold influence and experience in the Australia-Indonesia academic, business, community and diplomatic world. 


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Program Outline

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During the online component (September 26th to October 24th) all participants get to know each other and complete the Global Competence Certificate to develop their intercultural skills and learn from each other in preparation for the 5 week in-country experience. 


Indonesian delegates are in Australia  November 1-December 4, and are all together in Indonesia December 4 -January 9.  


Applications for Australian citizens and Permanent Residents open 15 May  until 30th June 2024. (Indonesian delegates are currently in the process of selection- applications are closed). 



Offered by the Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII) of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), AIYEP is delivered in partnership in Indonesia  with the Ministry of Youth and Sport (Kemenpora). AIYEP is grateful to have the The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret'd), as its Patron. Diplomatic, Business and Youth partnerships add to the AIYEP experience  and contribute their time to program activities.


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In-country work placement

A work placement is a key learning experience for AIYEP participants. Australian and Indonesian  organisations offer 3-week placements to individual participants.


AIYEP participants come from a variety of professional and educational backgrounds. Value Learning supports each business to develop suitable workplan while guiding participants on workplace norms and expectations

Host an Indonesian AIYEPer

Becoming a host family for AIYEP is a unique opportunity for Australian families to create exciting new intercultural connections and contribute to international engagement between Australia and Indonesia.


Host families share Australian daily life and culture with AIYEP participants and in return gain a deeper understanding of Indonesian culture and greater intercultural awareness.


While the Indonesian delegates participate in full-time work placement at host organisations during the week, they will interact with their host family's daily life and schedule in the morning and evenings. On weekends, host families are encouraged to involve AIYEP participants in their regular weekend activities. Throughout the in-country stay, AIYEP delegates will also have the opportunity to participate in local school cultural exchange visits and alumni-led social activities.


In 2024, we are searching for host families in Canberra to host 21 Indonesian participants from 9th November to 30th November.


If you would like to become a host family for AIYEP 2024, you can apply now!






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Our Partners

We thank the following organisations for supporting AIYEP

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